Auschwitz: The First Gassing – Rumor and Reality


4th expanded edition






by Carlo Mattogno




Mainstream historians claim that the very first gassing of 850 human beings at Auschwitz occurred on Sept. 3, 1941, in the basement of building no. 11 of the Auschwitz main camp. It is supposed to have lasted 15 hours, followed by another two days of ventilation and removal of the corpses.


But when analyzing all available testimonies, which are the archetypes for all later gassing accounts, Mattogno comes to a quite different image in this study:

According to this, it happened either

The location was either

The victims were either


There were either 200, or 300, or 500, or 696, or 800, or 850, or 980, or 1,000, or 1,400, or 1,663 victims.


The poison gas was administered either by

either into the corridor or into the cells, a total of three cans or perhaps two cans into each cell either

The victims died immediately or perhaps stayed alive for 15 hours. The corpses were removed either

The work took either

The bodies of the victims were either

In short, it is evident that those giving the accounts of the first gassing at Auschwitz were either not there, lying or mistaken – and Mattogno exposes their obvious fabrications. This total chaos of claims regarding the very first gassing at Auschwitz is typical for all other accounts of homicidal gassings during the Third Reich. It makes it impossible to extract a consistent story. Using original wartime documents, Auschwitz: The First Gassing by Carlo Mattogno inflicts a final blow to the tale of the first homicidal gassing.